Bruce P.Robinson, MD

MEDICAL dermatology

Board Certified Experts in Skin, Hair & Nails

At The Dermatology Practice of Bruce P. Robinson, M.D., you can expect the highest level of care for all your dermatology medical needs. We will partner with you to solve your skin care concerns. Our goal is to play an active role in your skin’s health, by not only encouraging yearly skin exams, but maintaining your overall skin health.

We understand how challenging skin conditions can be, therefore, we offer personalized treatments tailored specifically to your needs. Our comprehensive approach to skin care is based on consultation, experience, state-of-the-art technology and compassion. We’ll take care of you and your skin through education, experience and expert care.

Time for your annual skin exam? Call 212.750.7121 to schedule an appointment today or request an appointment online.
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Skin Cancer Tx | Fractional Laser

Dr. Robinson is advancing skin cancer treatment options using fractional laser. Offering patients less invasive treatment options, improving patient care and quality of life.

Skin Cancer Screenings

We recommend annual skin cancer screenings for almost everyone. Skin Cancer is the cancer you can see! Yet skin cancer often goes undetected. Skin cancer screenings save lives.


Shingles causes a painful, blistering rash on your skin, It is important to seek EARLY medical attention within 1-3 days of developing symptoms.


Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness, papules and swelling on the face. It is often referred to as adult acne, rosacea frequently begins as a tendency to flush or blush easily.

Pediatric Dermatology

Pediatric patients receive expert care in correct diagnosis and management of childhood skin conditions, including pediatric medication management.

Non-Invasive Treatment of Skin Cancer

Dr. Robinson is improving skin cancer prognosis and treatment with no-downtime, no scarring, no bleeding, functional & cosmetic results are superior to surgical excision & MOHS.


If you notice a new mole, a mole different from others, or one that changes, itches or bleeds, even if it is smaller than 6mm, make an appointment to see a board-certified dermatologist ASAP.


What is Measles? Measles is an airborne, extremely infectious and potentially severe rash illness. It can be very serious for small children, but is easily preventable by a vaccine. Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective at preventing measles, 1 dose is 93% effective. It is uncommon for someone fully vaccinated to develop measles. […]


Do you sweat even when not exerting yourself? That's Hyperhidrosis. If it interferes with everyday activities like holding pens or turning doorknobs, we can reduce symptoms & regain control over your life.

Hives | Urticaria

Hives are localized, pale, itchy, pink swellings that can burn or sting; and a common aspect of an allergic reaction. If you have hives, schedule an appointment to treat the symptoms and to identify the cause.

Hair & Nail Disorders

Most people know dermatologists are experts in skin, but did you know we also specialize in hair and nail disorders.

Acne Treatments

Acne surgery can remove blackheads and whiteheads. Don't pick, scratch, pop, or squeeze pimples! More redness, swelling, inflammation, pigmentation and scarring may result.
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