Bruce P.Robinson, MD

PRP Facial Combo w/ Fraxel Laser

PRP with the Fraxel Laser for Skin Rejuvenation Will Leave You "GLOWING"

PRP and Fraxel Laser are powerful on their own, but together they offer a "powerhouse" treatment that will naturally transform and rejuvenate your appearance, while providing dramatic anti-aging results. The combination boosts your own collagen production and fibroblast proliferation increasing you skin's elasticity, texture and tone. Recover lost volume, diminish the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, skin pigmentation & acne scars. The addition of PRP (platelet rich plasma) after Fraxel Laser, not only accelerates the recovery process and adds nutrient rich growth factors that stimulate cells to generate newer, healthier tissue, it repairs aged existing tissue as well.

How is Our PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Facial/Fraxel Laser Combo Different From the Others?

We increase the potency of platelets and other growth factors by using a double-spin, high speed centrifugation process to concentrate the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) preparation which results in a more consistent superior cosmetic result. It is important to note that specific PRP preparation varies among healthcare providers which directly affects the quality of cosmetic results. Our patient's have said "the end result seems almost magical 🪄."

Why PRP with Fraxel Dual laser?

The combination of PRP/Fraxel Laser can yield a better result compared to using Fraxel or PRP alone. Facials that harvest and apply your own platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) became popular with cosmetic procedures because of their role in accelerating wound healing. Research in skin rejuvenation has proven PRP:

  • Accelerates Healing, by allowing the formation and release of growth factors and active proteins that promote healing.
  • Enhances Results, by boosting your own natural collagen & elastin production.
  • Reduces Redness and Swelling, the growth and anti-inflammatory factors reduce facial redness.
  • Improved Skin Quality, it is fact that combining PRP and Fraxel laser provides superior results for your skin rejuvenation.

The Fraxel Laser creates thousands of microscopic, invisible treatment zones, allowing openings for the PRP "growth factors" to penetrate the skin. There are NO holes, or needles used to inject the PRP, providing a uniform immersion of the PRP growth factors to the treatment area. This promotes excellent results, faster healing and reduces downtime compared to other traditional PRP application methods .

Can You Benefit From a PRP Facial/Fraxel Laser Combo?

So many advanced and innovative treatments are available to improve your skin, but how can you tell which treatment will most efficiently resurface and regenerate your complexion? Using Botox and dermal fillers can tackle some wrinkles and lost volume, but what about a treatment that actually replaces dull and damaged skin cells with new and healthy tissue? A Fraxel laser resurfacing treatment paired with PRP is the ultimate solution. You are effectively jump-starting your body's own natural rejuvenation systems, including collagen & elastin growth.

What To Expect?

This non-surgical treatment allows you to stimulate your body’s own natural repair and rejuvenation processes. On the day of your visit we apply a thin layer of numbing cream to the treatment area. While you are numbing we draw a small amount of blood to use for the PRP. The centrifuge process takes approximately 20-25 minutes. After 30 minutes the numbing cream is removed. Dr. Robinson treats the area using the Fraxel Laser. Once the Fraxel treatment is complete your PRP (platelet rich plasma) is gently applied over the treatment area.

How Long Do the PRP Facial/Fraxel Laser Combo Results Last?

Both Fraxel Laser and PRP have long-lasting benefits. By stimulating one's own collagen & elastin production, PRP and Fraxel yields wonderful results within a few days that may last years.

PRP | Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy For Hair Loss

Platelet Rich Plasma Hair Growth Treatment For Hair Loss

So many of us struggle from natural hair thinning and hair loss. In fact, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, approximately 56 million adults in the United States are affected by hair loss. Different conditions can lead to different symptoms of hair loss, ranging from male pattern baldness, which is characterized by hair loss at the temples followed by thinning along the crown, to thinning or loss that can occur in patches throughout the scalp. Hair loss or hair thinning can occur in both men and women and can be a source of self-consciousness or embarrassment and, up until recently, few non-surgical treatments offered total hair restoration.

Recently, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has become a popular regenerative treatment in the world of dermatology. PRP treatment for hair restoration, is not a permanent solution for hair regrowth, but it can help to slow down the progression of hair loss and promote new growth in areas where there was previously none. It can offer significant improvements in hair thickness, density and reduces hair shedding. The treatment takes platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood and once isolated, the PRP solution is injected into the area affected by hair loss or hair thinning. The PRP triggers the natural hair growth process and strengthens the hair follicles to promote regrowth and prevent hair loss. The procedure is simple and requires minimal downtime or discomfort, making it an excellent option for patients who are wary of surgical options, such as hair transplants.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Bruce Robinson is an expert in PRP treatment and was one of the first dermatologists to incorporate PRP into his private NYC practice. PRP has been a boost to patients with hair loss, delivering improved hair growth and hair thickness with his PRP hair restoration patients. Experienced dermatologist, Dr. Bruce Robinson, has been treating patients in his Upper East Side, New York City office for more than 30 years and is an expert in a range of cosmetic and dermatological procedures. If you’re frustrated by thinning hair or hair loss, Dr. Robinson is here to help.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person's blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. Platelet-rich plasma is a concentration of platelets that is 3x the normal blood value, and contains many growth factors that stimulate hair follicles and can safely be performed up to every month, based on how much hair growth is required. PRP is a great solution for hair loss in both men and women, especially when hair transplant surgery is not an option. PRP injections can stimulate new hair growth in men who suffer from androgenetic alopecia (known as male pattern baldness) and women who suffer from female pattern baldness.

What are the benefits of PRP therapy?

The Platelets in the PRP contain proteins that are needed in order to promote the rate of tissue healing and regeneration within inactive hair follicles. Inside these platelets are a variety of intracellular structures such as glycogen (a form of glucose), lysosomes (which break down the proteins), and alpha granules (which contain clotting and growth factors that get released during the cell repair process). Platelet-rich plasma-derived growth factors can also play a part in stem cell differentiation within the wound healing process of the musculoskeletal system.

Do PRP injections work for hair loss?

In multiple studies through the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, patients suffering from hair loss were found to benefit from PRP injections. The PRP hair restoration treatment led to a significant local increase in hair number, extended growth phase, and improved hair thickness. Though the treatment is not yet FDA-approved, there is scientific proof that the treatment is beneficial for hair strength and new hair growth at and around a PRP injection site.

The science behind PRP uses proven benefits of PRP to naturally promote new cellular growth. PRP is directly involved in regenerative healing within the body.  PRP growth factors can thus influence hair growth and can in fact restore hair follicles, in turn improving the look and feel of a patient’s hair.

How does PRP hair restoration work?

PRP hair rejuvenation treatment involves the injection of platelets into the area of the body in which hair loss is occurring, for example the crown of the head. Platelets are taken from the patients own body via a blood draw that occurs at the start of the appointment. After the blood has been drawn, it is placed in a centrifuge, which is a machine that separates the platelet-rich plasma from the red blood cells. When isolated, the platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the treatment area. The platelets release growth factors, which stimulates the dermal papilla cells that are crucial in the hair growth process. For that reason, a series of PRP injections help to trigger hair regrowth to restore lost hair.

How many PRP treatments are needed?

Though of course the number of PRP treatments varies depending on the hair condition and aesthetic goals of the individual patient, a typical patient will do three sessions of PRP therapy. Further treatments will be evaluated at the end of the fourth month (after the third PRP treatment).The sessions are typically spaced 4-6 weeks apart, and Dr. Robinson personally performs all consultations and injections. PRP treatments can also be used in tandem with hair transplantation to help accelerate hair growth. At your initial consultation with Dr. Robinson, you will be able to discuss all hair treatment options, including PRP injections. Dr. Robinson will use his expertise to provide the best medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment available for hair loss.

Is PRP for hair loss covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, as PRP hair restoration is considered a cosmetic procedure, PRP for hair loss is not covered by health insurance. For more information, it’s best to contact your insurance company directly to ascertain coverage.

How long to see results from PRP hair loss treatment?

Many patients come into their initial consultation with Dr. Robinson wondering, how fast does PRP work for hair loss? Of course, any results will vary depending on the nature of hair loss and desired results of each patient. However, the majority of patients see initial improved hair thickness and hair growth several weeks after treatment. Optimal results from PRP injections are apparent, on average, about 5-6 months after treatment.

Am I a Candidate for PRP Hair Treatment?

A good candidate for PRP hair restoration is a patient who is showing signs of thinning hair or hair loss. Typically, candidates who have experienced hair loss more recently, or who are dealing with early hair loss, respond best to PRP hair treatment. Those with hair follicles that have been dormant for longer on the scalp are less likely to be improved by PRP therapy. It’s good to note that if you are diagnosed with a underlying disorder such as lupus or thyroid disease, you are unlikely to benefit form PRP injections, as these conditions will continue to worsen hair loss over time. Additionally, patients should not take blood thinners during PRP hair restoration treatment, as the procedure will be significantly less effective.

Are you interested in a natural way to grow back your hair?

Call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Robinson.

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