Bruce P.Robinson, MD

The Treatment of Basal & Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Benefits of Fractional Laser For

The efficacy and benefits of fractional laser treatment for Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (BCC and SCC) are indeed impressive and offer a multitude of advantages for patients:

  1. Non-Invasiveness: Fractional laser therapy provides a non-invasive alternative to traditional surgical procedures, making it an excellent choice for patients who are hesitant to undergo surgery.
  2. Suitable for Specific Patient Profiles: Individuals on blood thinners or those averse to invasive interventions find fractional laser therapy to be a safe and effective option. This avoids the risks associated with traditional surgeries.
  3. Minimal Downtime and Quick Healing: The low risks of scars, quick healing, and minimal downtime make fractional laser treatment particularly appealing to those who want to resume their normal activities swiftly. This is especially beneficial for individuals in the public eye, athletes, or anyone valuing quick recovery times.
  4. Recurrence Prevention: Patients treated with fractional laser therapy under Dr. Robinson's care have reported no recurrences of skin cancers at the treated sites. This indicates a high level of efficacy in eliminating cancerous cells and preventing the return of BCC or SCC.
  5. Additional Advantages for Specific Groups:
  • No Bleeding: The treatment is associated with little to no bleeding, making it advantageous for patients, especially those on anticoagulants who do not need to stop their medications before, during and for some time after the procedure.
  • Not Invasive for Infirm or Older Patients: The non-invasive nature of fractional laser therapy is especially helpful for older or infirm patients who may not tolerate more invasive procedures well.
  • Great for Actors or Public Figures: Individuals in the public eye, including actors and actresses, benefit from the minimal scarring and quick recovery times associated with fractional laser treatment.
  1. Low Infection Rate: To date in the study, no patients have experienced infections, indicating a low risk of postoperative complications.
  2. Cost-Effective: Fractional laser treatment has demonstrated cost-effectiveness, providing a valuable option for patients seeking efficient and affordable skin cancer treatment.
  3. Decreased Anxiety: The less invasive and quick nature of fractional laser therapy contributes to decreased anxiety for patients undergoing the procedure.
  4. Field Effect of Treatment: There is a decreased chance for another BCC or SCC in the immediate treatment area due to the field effect of the treatment.
  5. Rapid Procedure: The treatment is quick, with most patients expressing surprise at the brevity of the procedure.
  6. Safety: There is no risk of blood-borne diseases, as seen in procedures involving surgical interventions.
  7. Minimal Risk of Postoperative Complications: Fractional laser treatment eliminates the risk of postoperative complications such as hematoma or postoperative bleeding.
  8. Appealing to Cosmetic Concerns: The cosmetic benefits of fractional laser therapy contribute to its appeal. The procedure not only addresses the medical aspect of skin cancer treatment but also enhances the overall appearance of the treated area.
  9. Additional Advantages for Specific Groups:
  • No Bleeding: Advantageous for patients on anticoagulants who do not need to stop their medications before, during and for some time after the procedure.
  • Not Invasive for Infirm or Older Patients: Older or infirm patients may not tolerate more-invasive procedures, multiple procedures, or the need to treat an area that would require a skin flap or graft.
  • Great for Actors or Public Figures: Individuals benefit from the minimal or complete lack of scarring and quick recovery times.
  • Excellent for atheletes, sports figures, and "weekend warriors" who can return immediately to their chosen activities.

In summary, fractional laser therapy emerges as a highly effective, safe, and patient-friendly approach to treating Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinomas. Its non-invasive nature, quick healing, minimal scarring, and efficacy in preventing recurrences make it a valuable option for a diverse range of patients seeking effective and aesthetically pleasing skin cancer treatment.

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on Dr Robinson's innovative and highly effective
new treatment for BCC and SCC

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