Bruce P.Robinson, MD

Venous Lake

Time To Smile Again ... A venous lake is a benign, soft, compressible blue bump usually found on or around the lips caused by a dilated vein. While it is benign it can be cosmetically unsightly. With the use of the Nd:YAG laser a venous lake can be treated within seconds and resolved without scarring.

What To Expect:

  • Procedure Time: Literally Seconds
  • Back To Work: Immediately
  • Anaesthetic: Not Required
  • Sensitivity Period: One Week +
  • Visible Results: 4 - 6 weeks
  • Number of Treatments: 1 -2 
  • Possible Side Effects: Soreness, Blistering, Swelling
  • Duration of Results: Permanent


Is It Safe? The Nd:YAG laser is clinically proven to be both safe and effective.

How Does It Work? Treatments target the blood in the venous Lake lesion, causing it to regress.

Is The Treatment Suitable For Me? This procedure can be used on all skin types and treatment is suitable for most people.  However, prior to treatment please review our cosmetic reimbursement policy. 

Hives | Urticaria

Urticaria, also known as hives, are localized, pale, itchy, pink wheals (swellings) that can burn or sting. They may occur singularly or in groups on any part of the skin. They are part of an allergic reaction and are very common. Approximately 10-20 percent of the population will have at least one episode in their lifetime. Most episodes of hives disappear quickly in a few days to a few weeks. Occasionally, a person will have them for many months or years. New hives may develop as old ones fade. Hives can vary in size from as small as a pencil eraser to as large as a dinner plate, and may join to form even larger swellings.

Hives are produced by blood plasma leaking through tiny gaps between the cell lining small blood vessels in the skin. Histamine is a chemical released from cells in the skin called mast cells; which lie along blood vessels. Allergic reactions, chemicals in foods, or medications may cause hives; sometimes it is impossible to find out the cause. When hives form around the eyes, lips, or genitals, the tissue may swell excessively. Although frightening, the swelling usually goes away in less than 24 hours. Severe cases of hives may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing and emergency room care is required.

Acute Urticaria

Acute urticaria lasts less than six weeks. An underlying cause can be frequently identified and eliminated. The most common causes for acute urticaria are foods, drugs, or infections. Insect bites, internal diseases, pressure, cold, or sunlight also may be responsible.


The most common foods that cause urticaria are: nuts, chocolate, shellfish, tomatoes, eggs, berries, and milk. Fresh foods cause hives more often than cooked foods. Food additives and preservatives may also cause hives.

Hives may appear within minutes to several hours after eating, depending upon the site within the digestive tract where the food is absorbed.


Almost any medication -- prescription or over-the-counter -- can cause hives. Antibiotics, pain medications, sedatives, tranquilizers, diuretics (water pills), diet supplements, antacids, arthritis medication, vitamins, herbal supplements, eye and eardrops, laxatives, vaginal douches, or any other non-prescription item can be a potential cause of urticaria. It is important to inform the dermatologist of ALL prescription and over-the-counter medications being used to help find the cause of the hives.


Many infections can cause urticaria. Viral upper-respiratory tract infections (colds) are a comon cause in children. Other viruses, including hepatitis and a number of bacterial and fungal infections, may cause urticaria.

Chronic Urticaria

Chronic urticaria lasts more than six weeks. The cause of chronic urticaria is more difficult to identify and is found only in a small percentage of patients. The dermatologist reviews a patient's medical history, asks extensive questions, and conducts a thorough physical examination. Testing, such as blood work or a biopsy, may be necessary.

Physical Urticarias

Physical urticaria may be caused by sunlight, heat, cold, water, pressure, vibration, or exercise. Solar urticaria forms within minutes of sun exposure and typically fades within one to two hours. Cold urticaria appears when the skin is warmed after exposure to cold. Urticaria, which forms in response to the cold or the water when swimming, for example, can produce wheezing, flushing, generalized hives, and fainting.

Dermatographic Urticaria (Dermatographiulesm)

Dermatographic urticaria forms after firmly stroking or scratching the skin, and can often occur with other forms of urticaria. It affects about five percent of the population. Most people with this condition are otherwise healthy. Dermatographism may last for months or even years.


The best treatment for urticaria is to find and eliminate the cause whenever possible. Antihistamines are prescribed to provide relief and work best if taken on a regular schedule to prevent hives from forming. There are many antihistamines available. No one antihistamine works for everyone. The dermatologist may use combinations to control the urticaria. In severe cases, an injection of epinephrine (adrenalin) may be needed. Cortisone may also bring dramatic relief, but its use must be limited to short periods of time.

Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a common skin condition due to overgrowth of a skin surface yeast. This overgrowth results in uneven skin color and scaling that can be unsightly and sometimes itch. The yeast normally lives in the pores of the skin and thrives in oily areas such as the neck, upper chest, and back. Tinea versicolor has small, scaly white-to-pink or tan-to-dark spots which can be scattered over the upper arms, chest and back. They may sometimes appear on the neck and the face. On light skin, Tinea versicolor may be faint or can appear as tan-to-pink spots, while on dark skin Tinea versicolor may be light or dark. The fungus grows slowly and prevents the skin from tanning normally. As the rest of the skin tans in the sun, the pale spots, which are affected by the yeast, become more noticeable, especially on dark skin.

What does Tinea Versicolor look like and how do you recognize it?

Tinea versicolor has small, scaly white-to-pink or tan-to-dark spots which can be scattered over the upper arms, chest and back. They may sometimes appear on the neck and the face. On light skin, Tinea versicolor may be faint or can appear as tan-to-pink spots, while on dark skin Tinea Versicolor may be light or dark. The fungus grows slowly and prevents the skin from tanning normally.

What are the symptoms?

Tinea Versicolor usually produces few symptoms. Occasionally, there is some slight itching that is more intense when a person gets hot.

Who may get this rash?

Most people get tinea versicolor when they are teenagers or young adults. It is rare in the elderly and children, except in tropical climates where it can occur at any age. Both dark and light skinned people are equally prone to its development. People with oily skin may be more susceptible than those with naturally dry skin.

The yeast is normally present in small numbers on everyone's skin. Anyone can develop an overgrowth of yeast. During the summer months when the temperature and humidity are high, the yeast can increase. The excess yeast on the skin prevents the normal pigmentation process, resulting in light and dark spots. In tropical countries with continuous high heat and high humidity, people can have these spots year round. In other climates, the spots generally fade in the cooler and drier months of the year. Why some people get tinea versicolor and others do not is unclear.

In tropical countries with continuous high heat and high humidity, people can have these spots year round. In other climates, the spots generally fade in the cooler and drier months of the year.

How is Tinea Versicolor diagnosed?

Although the light or dark colored spots can resemble other skin conditions, tinea versicolor can be easily recognized by a dermatologist. In most cases, the appearance of the skin is diagnostic, but a simple examination of the fine scales scraped from the skin can confirm the diagnosis. Scales are lightly scraped onto a slide and examined under a microscope for the presence of the yeast. A special light may help to make the diagnosis by showing a yellow green color where the skin is affected.

How is it treated?

Tinea versicolor is treated with topical or oral medications. Topical treatment includes special cleansers including some shampoos, creams, or lotions applied directly to the skin.

Several oral medications have been used successfully to treat tinea versicolor. Because of possible side effects, or interactions with other medications, the use of these prescription medicines should be supervised by a dermatologist. After any form of treatment, the uneven color of the skin may remain for several months after the yeast has been eliminated until the skin repigments normally.

Tinea versicolor may recur. Special cleansers may decrease episodes when used once or twice a month, especially during warm humid months of the year.

Each patient is treated by the dermatologist according to the severity and location of the disease, the climate, and the desire of the patient. It's important to remember that the yeast is easy to kill, but it can take weeks or months for the skin to regain its normal color.

Telangectasias | Dilated Blood Vessels

Telangectasias (commonly known as spider veins) are dilated or broken blood vessels located near the surface of the skin. They often occur on the face and particularly on the sides of the nose. They often look like small red or pink lines, which temporarily whiten when pressed.

Some Symptoms Of Spider Veins Include:

  • Swollen legs and/or ankles
  • Fatigue of the legs
  • A burning, itching, or throbbing sensation around the legs
  • Muscle cramps in the legs

Common Causes of Spider Veins

Spider veins are generally caused by weak or damaged valves. The following causes can contribute to weaker blood flow in certain areas of your body. 

  • Weight Gain
  • Sun Damage
  • Rosacea
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Trauma


Thankfully, laser therapy is safe and efficacious treatment. It is an easy in-office treatment that can be performed during ones lunch break. In 10 minutes those red lines are gone and you can go right back to work. No wound care or dressings needed.

Sclerotherapy is also a treatment option. A special solution is injected directly into the affected veins, forcing the veins to close and the blood to redirect into healthier veins. The old vein turns into scar tissue that your body will eventually absorb, causing it to fade.


Lately, the decision to obtain a tattoo has become increasingly popular, and so has the decision to remove them! DON'T REGRET IT ... REMOVE IT! An estimated 20 million Americans have tattoos, and many of them now feel that having a tattoo does not fit their image. Those remorseful about their tattoos are consulting with cosmetic laser physicians to determine if the removal of their tattoo is possible. Today's advanced laser technology provides the means for tattoo removal safely and quickly and, in most cases, without leaving a scar. Complete removal of all types of tattoos, on all skin types, in up to half the treatments.

How does the treatment work?

Cosmetic medical lasers designed to eradicate tattoos range from a single wavelength of light to a broad spectrum of light, the varieties of which are intended to obliterate the ink in the tattoo without damaging the skin. Certain colors of light are absorbed by specific corresponding colors of the tattoo ink. The light energy vaporizes or fragments the ink particles. Your body then absorbs these ink fragments naturally and the color fades over the next couple of weeks. This treatment is very similar to methods used for years to treat birthmarks.

Ask us about our "Cosmetic Consultation Reimbursement" policy offered to all patients. Come discuss your needs and goals with Dr. Robinson and the office visit cost will be applied to future costs for the discussed procedure. Procedure must be completed within 30 days of your consult visit.

Sunburn Care

So You Have a Sunburn? No Judgement Here, Just Relief.

It is important to treat a sunburn as soon as you notice it.

The first thing you should do if you feel you have or are getting a sunburn is get out of the sun, preferably go indoors. Once indoors, these tips can help relieve the discomfort:

  • Frequent cool baths or showers can ease the pain.  Gently pat skin dry, with a little dampness left on the skin apply a moisturizer ‘cream or ointment”, preferably not a “lotion”.  The moisturizer will help trap the water in your skin and help ease the dryness. You can also place the cream or ointment in the refrigerator for extra coolness.
  • Use a moisturizer that contains aloe vera to help soothe sunburned skin. If a particular area feels especially uncomfortable, you may want to apply an over the counter hydrocortisone cream that you can buy without a prescription. Do not treat sunburn with “-caine” products (such as benzocaine), as these may irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction.
  • Consider taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help reduce any swelling, redness and discomfort.
  • Drink extra water. A sunburn draws fluid to the skin’s surface and away from the rest of the body. Drinking extra water when you are sunburned helps prevent dehydration.
  • If your skin blisters, allow the blisters to heal. Blistering skin means you have a second-degree sunburn. You should not pop the blisters, as blisters form to help your skin heal and protect you from infection.  Once the blisters open you can apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent an infection.
  • Take extra care to protect sunburned skin while it heals. Wear clothing that covers your skin when outdoors. Tightly-woven fabrics work best. When you hold the fabric up to a bright light, you shouldn’t see any light coming through.

If you have fever, chills, headache or any questions about your sunburn please call our office to schedule an appointment. Although it may seem like a temporary condition, sunburn is a result of skin receiving too much exposure from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays and can cause long-lasting damage to the skin. This damage increases a person’s risk for getting skin cancer.

Subcission Scar Treatment

Subcission is a treatment used to correct a type of scar called a valley scar. A valley scar simply means there is a defect in the volume of the skin at the site of the scar. The goal of subcission is to improve this decreased volume. This then allows a depressed scar to regain its smooth appearance. This treatment may be combined with other scar treatments to yield the best cosmetic results.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common cancer of the skin. More than 250,000 new squamous cell carcinomas are diagnosed every year in the United States. Middle-aged and elderly people, especially those with fair complexions and frequent sun exposure, are most likely to be affected.

The cancer develops in the outer layer of the skin (the epithelium). Some squamous cell carcinomas arise from small sandpaper-like lesions called solar (sun) or actinic keratosis. It is possible for squamous cell carcinoma to spread to other areas of the body; therefore, early treatment is important.

What does squamous cell carcinoma look like and where does it appear?

Squamous cell carcinomas usually appear as crusted or scaly patches on the skin with a red, inflamed base, a growing tumor, or a non-healing ulcer. They are generally found in sun-exposed areas like the face, neck, arms, scalp, backs of the hands, and ears. The cancer also can occur on the lips, inside the mouth, on the genitalia, or anywhere on the body. Any lesion, especially those that do not heal, grow, bleed, or change in appearance, should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

What are the factors that cause squamous cell carcinoma?

Ultraviolet light exposure (from the sun or indoor tanning devices) greatly increases the chance of developing skin cancer. Although anyone can get squamous cell carcinoma, people with light skin who sunburn easily are at the highest risk. The chance of developing skin cancer increases with age and a history of severe sunburns as a child. Many less common skin conditions, organ transplantation, chronic skin ulcers, prior x-ray treatment (e.g., for acne in the 1950s), arsenic ingestion, smoking, and toxic exposure to tars and oils can predispose individuals to the development of squamous cell carcinoma.

How serious is squamous cell carcinoma?

These skin cancers are usually locally destructive. If left untreated, squamous cell carcinoma can destroy much of the tissue surrounding the tumor and may result in the loss of a nose or ear, for example. Aggressive types of squamous cell carcinomas, especially those on the lips and ears, or untreated cancers, can spread to the lymph nodes and other organs resulting in approximately 2,500 deaths each year in the United States.

How do dermatologists treat squamous cell carcinomas?

A skin biopsy for microscopic examination may be done to confirm the diagnosis. A variety of different treatment options can be used depending on the location of the tumor, size, microscopic characteristics, health of the patient, and other factors. Most therapies are relatively minor office-based procedures that require only local anesthesia. Surgical excision to remove the entire cancer is the most commonly used treatment. "Mohs" micrographic controlled surgery, a method which requires specialized training by dermatologic surgeons, can be used to remove the tumor while sparing as much normal skin as possible. Other dermatologic surgical procedures include laser surgery, cryosurgery (liquid nitrogen - the frozen method), radiation therapy, and electrodesiccation and curettage which involves alternately scraping and cauterizing (burning) the tumor with low levels of electricity.

Spider Veins

Spider Veins are very small veins caused by a dilation of the small venules under the skin. This occurs when the pressure inside the vein increases enough to overcome normal resistance of the vein wall. The ability of veins to resist increased pressure is reduced with hormonal changes.

Reticular Veins are small, bluish-colored veins that carry blood to the skin venules and are larger than spider veins. These veins have thin walls and dilate with excessive venous pressure. When this occurs, they become large enough to be unsightly, but are not considered to be varicose veins.

In recent years medical lasers have made great advancements in sophistication. Today, lasers are safely used for a wide variety of cosmetic non-invasive treatments. Laser Therapy treatment is extremely safe and effective on leg veins, as well as veins visible on the face, neck, and chest. Laser treatment also corrects benign pigmented lesions such as age spots and birthmarks. These non-invasive treatments are increasingly popular because they have very few side effects, and one can resume regular activities immediately following treatment.

Who are candidates for treatment?

Both men and women, light and dark-skinned individuals can now safely and effectively benefit from laser therapy for spider veins. Patients using blood thinners or afflicted with a serious illness generally are not candidates for treatment. Patients with dark suntans or photosensitivity disorders, uncontrolled or severe diabetes, bleeding disorders, or those currently taking photosensitizing medications may also be restricted from candidacy.

How many treatments are required?

The number of treatments necessary to resolve your vein concerns depends on the size of the vein and your body's ability to heal. During your consultation, you will be given an estimate of the number of treatments required to obtain optimal results.

What does the treatment involve?

Treatment may vary from 15 to 30 minutes. As a result of treatment, the walls of the veins are damaged by the laser's heat. The body next induces a healing process. The veins shrink and become less visible or disappear altogether. Medical studies have documented exceptional results on veins with laser treatments.

What are the side effects and is there "downtime"?

The beauty of this treatment is that there is no down time involved. You can resume most of your regular activities immediately. Your doctor may use various methods to reduce the pain that may be associated with this procedure. Swelling and mild bruising can occur, but almost always resolve over a short period of time. Limiting sun exposure, avoiding strenuous exercise, and wearing compression stockings will greatly minimize the risk of complications immediately following your treatment.

Which type of veins can Laser Therapy treat?

Laser Therapy treats many types of leg veins, including shallow spider veins and reticular veins.

Spider Veins are very small veins caused by a dilation of the small venules under the skin. This occurs when the pressure inside the vein increases enough to overcome normal resistance of the vein wall. The ability of veins to resist increased pressure is reduced with hormonal changes.

Reticular Veins are small, bluish-colored veins that carry blood to the skin venules and are larger than spider veins. These veins have thin walls and dilate with excessive venous pressure. When this occurs, they become large enough to be unsightly, but are not considered to be varicose veins.

Cosmetic Consultation Reimbursement Policy

Schedule an office visit to discuss your concerns and skincare goals with Dr. Robinson and the office visit cost will be applied to the future cost for the "consulted procedure". The "consulted procedure" must be completed within 30 days of your consult visit.

Skin Tone

Just like a precious piece of jewlery or a beautiful piece of furniture, the skin can become dull, weathered and aged. With the modern age of dermatology one can restore the brightness, alleviate lines, get rid of dark marks, erase broken capillaries and scars with no social downtime and superior cosmetic results.

Cosmetic Consultation Reimbursement policy offered to all patients. Schedule an office visit to discuss your concerns and skincare goals with Dr. Robinson and the office visit cost will be applied to the future cost for the "consulted procedure". The "consulted procedure" must be completed within 30 days of your consult visit.

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